While these comments are well intended and can help to make a difference, they never come with a guide or an instruction manual. Just how do you propose I find that silver lining or the bright side? Right now, I just want to lash out. I'm angry, frustrated, annoyed, hurt, disappointed...
So, the next few Discussion Blog entries will be devoted to figuring out HOW to be a positive thinker. First, be aware that some of us naturally lean toward seeing a more positive or a more negative side of any given situation. Some of this 'lean' is just part of each person's natural wiring based on family genetics, chemistry and other biological components. However, being able to see the positive side to circumstances is a skill, a learned behavior. And, like most skills, some are better at it than others; some have to practice more than others; but all have to make a conscious effort "to look for the silver lining, make lemonade and find the bright side". It is an action. It is a response to a stimulus.
Positive thinking. Everyone can do it. Anyone can learn how. All we need are some lessons. Don't worry, life will provide us with plenty of practice opportunities.