C-Diff is bacteria in your colon that has taken over and created an imbalance destroying the healthy bacteria. This imbalance is created when you take large doses of antibiotics. C-Diff is highly contagious and is a huge problem in healthcare facilities, nursing homes, and personal care homes. Oddly, the medications they use to treat this are antibiotic based themselves [Vancomycin, Flagyl, and Difficid]. When these don't work [or you can't afford them; Difficid is $4,000 for 20 pills], the only option left is the fecal transplant.
So, the best way to regain the healthy state of your colon bacteria is to give it a big cleansing flush and plant the seeds of healthy bacteria. How do you get the good stuff? Well, you call a family member [this is preferred] and ask them if they'll donate some poop. That's an interesting call to make, and, I'm sure, receive.
The donor has to provide two separate samples and have them screened before a third sample is donated and screened again for use the day of the procedure. This one is the tough one. poop on command 6 hours before the procedure and get it to the lab.
If this donation is approved, the lab makes a kind of slurry with the poop and saline solution. Meanwhile, the patient has done their part by getting ready / prepping for a colonoscopy. Drinking the flushing solution the night before and then getting to the GI Lab. The doctor performs the colonoscopy , and, as they back out of your colon, they spray the walls of your colon with the magic mixture.
This process accurately brags about having a 97% success rate and the results are immediate. It does seem kinda weird, but, it works!
Yup, I did say 'FECAL Transplant'!