Over the past 35 years of dealing with my own and assisting others manage their challenges, the words gimp and gimpy sound like fingernails on the chalkboard to me. As I have looked into the mirror to understand why I react so strongly, I realize that they come from a negative perspective. These are words that, in my experience, have been used to mean useless, helpless, irreparable and broken. You would think that after 35 years, it wouldn't matter what words are used. In fact, I know that I wrote that comment on this site, "it really doesn't matter what you call it". However, I find myself falling into the same potholes and road hazards as everyone else. [There goes my Superman image]
My survival, my adjustment has depended on me finding a more positive perspective. Words show how you see yourself and influence how others will respond to you. For me, gimp doesn't work. It shouldn't REALLY matter, but it does. This won't be the last time I cringe.