Because of the damage to my spinal cord, I get some pretty intense leg spasms. Typically, doctors prescribe medications to keep those from happening. As I have explained to my doctor, while the spasms can be annoying and painful at times, they are actually beneficial to me. First, a good spasm is like an isometric exercise. My leg muscles actually stay strong, in part, due to the spasms. Second, that tension of being a wound up spring, helps me to transfer in and out of my wheelchair. This helps with showers, toileting, dressing and getting into vehicles.
Clearly knowing my disabling condition and how it effects me is invaluable to being independent and productive. It also helps the relationship with my doctor. I can explain to him how my body responds and how it effects me in both a positive and negative way. It also helps my relationship with all caregivers. I can explain to them exactly what to expect in a situation and how we can work together to accomplish a task.
Do you know your disability?