Last week I had to give my wife a phone call from the floor of our bathroom. I had fallen getting from the toilet back to the wheelchair. 'Fallen' makes it sound bad. I lost my balance and, in slow motion, sat down on the floor. Of course, I can't get off the floor without assistance.
This was not the first time. So, I reached for the phone that dangles from my wheelchair for exactly this kind of problem. I went through my list of people I call when I'm in trouble [an honor and curse to be on THAT list]. Five of five NOT home. So, I called the last on the list, my wife who happens to be in the community working. She'll get home asap.
Unfortunately, it was a long 2 hours waiting for her to arrive. Using the Hoyer Lift, I was back in my wheelchair inside of 15 minutes. No physical damage, just emotional.
I'm thinkin' this may influence her trip plans. So much for confidence building...