I was welcomed by an apparently 'normal' person. They spoke intelligently, seemed to maintain good personal hygiene, the apartment was clean and orderly. It was a comfortable visit with a 'nice guy'. As we discussed our lives and circumstances, there was one short statement that I heard many times; "I can't".
Me: Have you tried this?
Them: I can't because...
Me: Have you considered that?
Them: I can't because...
This person does have some physical challenges, but, has all the medical support at their disposal. They are receiving medications for their depression and pain. They are getting counseling. The only piece missing is an "I'll try".
With one small 'I'LL TRY', this person's world could start to change. All the positive sayings, slogans and people in the world will not make that change; it's up to each one of us to do it for ourselves. Depression, the blues, melancholy; all these can be improved by an 'I'll try'.